Welcome to VELICARIA blog spot. This is a friendly site. All materials that will be posted are Filipino value-oriented that for sure will please all nationalities of the world. For when we say Filipino Values... these mean: pure, honest and trustworthy.

VELICARIA is named through ANTHONY POLLANTE VELICARIA together with his family. The man originated from far-faraway barangay of Capulaan, in the town of Balungao, in the Province of Pangasinan, in the Republic of the Philippines where he was born on August 21, 1966. But since 1986, the man left his hometown to live with her wife the former Miss Gracelyn Asuncion Pablo of Poblacion Sur, Mayantoc, Tarlac, Philippines. Mrs Velicaria is an Elementary School Teacher of Mayantoc Central Elementary School of Poblacion Norte, Mayantoc, Tarlac, philippines. The couple are living with their three daughters: 1. Gracel Antonette, a BSN-RN graduated from Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines. Aizan is a board passer and just taken her oath last March 18, 2008. Aizan was born on July 20, 1986. 2. Lovely Grace,
graduated from Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines. Love is a board passer and just taken her oath last April, 2009. Love was born on February 14, 1988. 3. Grace IV, a Freshmen taking up Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Tarlac College of Agriculture,Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines. 4. Sheikah Gracel Nicole Velicaria is the newest member of the family, she just celebrated her 1st birthday on November 30, 2009 and then welcoming her to the Christian World as well.

The VELICARIA origin was in Pangasinan, Philippines.

VELICARIA was created not only to re-group the VELICARIA's all over the world (WorldWideWeb) through Internet but to win more e-friends and e-relatives for VELICARIA clan members even when totally re-grouped are not numerous like the Garcia's and Dela Cruz'.

So timely that this Good Friday, the VELICARIA blog spot is realized. Thanks to www.google.com/adsense; www.blogger.com; and to Mel & Joey of GMA 7 who featured blogging in their Sunday show.

Then, the blog will see to it that this time being online in the Internet will be worthy. Emailing, chatting, chikka messaging and surfing the net will now be minimized to give way the good blogs to be published beneficial to the general viewer.

That VELICARIA will be as responsible as its creator who is currently an Elementary School Principal of San Jose Elementary School of San Jose, Mayantoc, Tarlac, Philippines and Maniniog Primary School of Maniniog, Mayantoc, Tarlac,Philippines. Also the author is at present an Information and Communication Technology (ICT)consultant of Mayantoc District, in the Division of Tarlac Province, in Region III - Central Luzon, in the Department of Education, Philippines and the President of the Division ICT Teachers' Association (DICTTA)-Elementary Level and the Over-all DICTTA Vice President with the High School and Private Levels.

This site was created also to bridge the distance of all town mates both Balungao and Mayantoc, Pablo - Velicaria and other families, relatives and friends to all part of the World. This is linked to the Mayantoc Homepages where important updated source of information about our hometown and people.

Every visitor is expected to be ambassador of peace and love regardless of race, nationality and religion.

This blog site will soon be comprises of so many pages internal and external links incorporated with maps and lots of photos. It will also contain a Guestbook for regular visitors.

Any offensive comment in the Guestbook shall be edited or removed. This website is zero tolerance for any form of hatred.

The VELICARIA blog reserves the right to all publication.

This site intention is to share good news, sow love, compassion, care and connection to the whole world.

The site will give everyone an opportunity to share and lend a hand... because after all, we share the same air, water, land and other resources from GOd. We will make this Earth a better place for everybody to live like brothers and sisters especially in Christ.

We must learn to love each others. For loving each other is the best and it is the most important thing to do as the Holy Bible says.

Groups or individuals can visit the site. Visitors can even post their good ideas directly to the Guest Book or through my e-mail address: antoneveli@yahoo.com or aizshea@yahoo.com or antoneveli@gmail.com or visit http://velicaria.blogspot.com as long as it is beneficial to all the readers. Photographs and videos will also be accepted as long as these are not pornographic. Let us maintain this spot as an educational venue for the pupils, students, professionals, ordinary people, and to all of us. God bless us all!

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VELICARIA SLIDESHOW-capulaan,balungao, pangasinan

courtesy of:
clan of Candido V. Velicaria of BALUNGAO PANGASINAN

Monday, March 31, 2008

Pochahontas stories-aiz

Pocahontas, 1596-1617

Born: 1596 (exact date uncertain)

Died: March (exact date uncertain) 1617

Pocahontas was the daughter of Powhatan, an important chief of the Algonquian Indians (the Powhatans) who lived in the Virginia region. Her real name was "Matoaka." "Pocahontas" was a nickname meaning "playful" or "mischievous one." Pocahontas is most famous for reportedly saving the life of English Captain John Smith. Throughout her short life (she died at the age of 22), however, she was important in other ways as well. Pocahontas tried to promote peace between the Powhatans and the English colonists. She even converted to Christianity and married John Rolfe, a Jamestown colonist, a union which helped bring the two groups together. Her untimely death in England hurt the chance for continued peace in Virginia between the Algonquians and the colonists.
The Story:

Pocahontas was an Indian princess, the daughter of Powhatan, the powerful chief of the Algonquian Indians in the Tidewater region of Virginia. She was born around 1595 to one of Powhatan's many wives. They named her Matoaka, though she is better known as Pocahontas, which means "Little Wanton," playful, frolicsome little girl.

Pocahontas probably saw white men for the first time in May 1607 when Englishmen landed at Jamestown. The one she found most likable was Captain John Smith. The first meeting of Pocahontas and John Smith is a legendary story, romanticized (if not entirely invented) by Smith. He was leading an expedition in December 1607 when he was taken captive by some Indians. Days later, he was brought to the official residence of Powhatan at Werowocomoco, which was 12 miles from Jamestown. According to Smith, he was first welcomed by the great chief and offered a feast. Then he was grabbed and forced to stretch out on two large, flat stones. Indians stood over him with clubs as though ready to beat him to death if ordered. Suddenly a little Indian girl rushed in and took Smith's "head in her arms and laid her owne upon his to save him from death.” The girl, Pocahontas, then pulled him to his feet. Powhatan said that they were now friends, and he adopted Smith as his son, or a subordinate chief. Actually, this mock "execution and salvation" ceremony was traditional with the Indians, and if Smith's story is true, Pocahontas' actions were probably one part of a ritual. At any rate, Pocahontas and Smith soon became friends.

Relations with the Indians continued to be generally friendly for the next year, and Pocahontas was a frequent visitor to Jamestown. She delivered messages from her father and accompanied Indians bringing food and furs to trade for hatchets and trinkets. She was a lively young girl, and when the young boys of the colony turned cartwheels, "she would follow and wheele some herself, naked as she was all the fort over." She apparently admired John Smith very much and would also chat with him during her visits. Her lively character and poise made her appearance striking. Several years after their first meeting, Smith described her: "a child of tenne yeares old, which not only for feature, countenance, and proportion much exceedeth any of the rest of his (Powhatan's) people but for wit and spirit (is) the only non-pariel of his countrie.

Unfortunately, relations with the Powhatans worsened. Necessary trading still continued, but hostilities became more open. While before she had been allowed to come and go almost at will, Pocahontas' visits to the fort became much less frequent. In October 1609, John Smith was badly injured by a gunpowder explosion and was forced to return to England. When Pocahontas next came to visit the fort, she was told that her friend Smith was dead.

Pocahontas apparently married an Indian "pryvate Captayne" named Kocoum in 1610. She lived in Potomac country among Indians, but her relationship with the Englishmen was not over. When an energetic and resourceful member of the Jamestown settlement, Captain Samuel Argall, learned where she was, he devised a plan to kidnap her and hold her for ransom. With the help of Japazaws, lesser chief of the Patowomeck Indians, Argall lured Pocahontas onto his ship. When told she would not be allowed to leave, she “began to be exceeding pensive and discontented," but she eventually became calmer and even accustomed to her captivity. Argall sent word to Powhatan that he would return his beloved daughter only when the chief had returned to him the English prisoners he held, the arms and tolls that the Indians had stolen, and also some corn. After some time Powhatan sent part of the ransom and asked that they treat his daughter well. Argall returned to Jamestown in April 1613 with Pocahontas. She eventually moved to a new settlement, Henrico, which was under the leadership of Sir Thomas Dale. It was here that she began her education in the Christian Faith, and that she met a successful tobacco planter named John Rolfe in July 1613. Pocahontas was allowed relative freedom within the settlement, and she began to enjoy her role in the relations between the colony and her people. After almost a year of captivity, Dale brought 150 armed men and Pocahontas into Powhatan’s territory to obtain her entire ransom. Attacked by the Indians, the Englishmen burned many houses, destroyed villages, and killed several Indian men. Pocahontas was finally sent ashore where she was reunited with two of her brothers, whom she told that she was treated well and that she was in love with the Englishman John Rolfe and wanted to marry him. Powhatan gave his consent to this , and the Englishmen departed, delighted at the prospect of the “peace-making” marriage, although they didn’t receive the full ransom.

John Rolfe was a very religious man who agonized for many weeks over the decision to marry a "strange wife," a heathen Indian. He finally decided to marry Pocahontas after she had been converted to Christianity, "for the good of the plantation, the honor of our country, for the glory of God, for mine own salvation ..." Pocahontas was baptized, christened Rebecca, and later married John Rolfe on April 5, 1614. A general peace and a spirit of goodwill between the English and the Indians resulted from this marriage.

Sir Thomas Dale made an important voyage back to London in the spring of 1616. His purpose was to seek further financial support for the Virginia Company and, to insure spectacular publicity, he brought with him about a dozen Algonquian Indians, including Pocahontas. Her husband and their young son, Thomas, accompanied her. The arrival of Pocahontas in London was well publicized. She was presented to King James I, the royal family, and the rest of the best of London society. Also in London at this time was Captain John Smith, the old friend she had not seen for eight years and whom she believed was dead. According to Smith at their meeting, she was at first too overcome with emotion to speak. After composing herself, Pocahontas talked of old times. At one point she addressed him as "father," and when he objected, she defiantly replied: "'Were you not afraid to come into my father's Countrie, and caused feare in him and all of his people and feare you here I should call you father: I tell you I will, and you shall call mee childe, and so I will be for ever and ever your Countrieman."' This was their last meeting.

After seven months Rolfe decided to return his family to Virginia, In March 1617 they set sail. It was soon apparent, however, that Pocahontas would not survive the voyage home. She was deathly ill from pneumonia or possibly tuberculosis. She was taken ashore, and, as she lay dying, she comforted her husband, saying, "all must die. 'Tis enough that the child liveth." She was buried in a churchyard in Gravesend, England. She was 22 years old.

Pocahontas played a significant role in American history. As a compassionate little girl she saw to it that the colonists received food from the Indians, so that Jamestown would not suffer the fate of the "Lost Colony." She is said to have intervened to save the lives of individual colonists. In 1616 John Smith wrote that Pocahontas was "the instrument to pursurve this colonie from death, famine, and utter confusion." And Pocahontas not only served as a representative of the Virginia Indians, but also as a vital link between the native Americans and the Englishmen. Whatever her contributions, the romantic aspects of her life will no doubt stand out in Virginia history forever.

CoLOURS of the Wind-

POCHAHONTAS-ilove this, esp. when i was just a little girl!! come sing with me!!-aiz

Beauty and the Beast Theme Song


A chain is only as strong as its weakest link
A change is as good as a rest
A fool and his money are soon parted
A friend in need is a friend indeed
A good beginning makes a good ending
A good man is hard to find
A house divided against itself cannot stand
A house is not a home
A journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step
A leopard cannot change its spots
A little knowledge is a dangerous thing
A little of what you fancy does you good
A miss is as good as a mile
A new broom sweeps clean
A nod's as good as a wink to a blind horse
A penny saved is a penny earned
A person is known by the company he keeps
A picture paints a thousand words
A place for everything and everything in its place
A problem shared is a problem halved
A prophet is not recognized in his own land
A rolling stone gathers no moss
A stitch in time saves nine
A thing of beauty is a joy forever
A volunteer is worth twenty pressed men
A watched pot never boils
A woman's place is in the home
A woman's work is never done
Absolute power corrupts absolutely
Actions speak louder than words
All good things come to he who waits
All that glisters is not gold
All the world loves a lover
All things must pass
All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy
All you need is love
All's fair in love and war
An Englishman's home is his castle
An apple a day keeps the doctor away
An ounce of prevention is worth a pound of cure
As you sow so shall you reap
Ask no questions and hear no lies
Attack is the best form of defence
Barking dogs seldom bite
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder
Beauty is only skin deep
Beggars can't be choosers
Behind every great man there's a great woman
Better late than never
Better safe than sorry
Better the Devil you know than the Devil you don't
Better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
Better to remain silent and be thought a fool that to speak and remove all doubt
Beware of Greeks bearing gifts
Birds of a feather flock together
Blood is thicker than water
Boys will be boys
Charity begins at home
Cleanliness is next to godliness
Cold hands, warm heart
Comparisons are odius
Count you blessings
Cut your coat to suit your cloth
Discretion is the better part of valour
Do as you would be done by
Do unto others as you would have them do unto you
Don't bite the hand that feeds you
Don't burn your bridges behind you
Don't change horses in midstream
Don't count your chickens before they are hatched
Don't cross the bridge till you come to it
Don't keep a dog and bark yourself
Don't let the bastards grind you down
Don't look a gift horse in the mouth
Don't put all your eggs in one basket
Don't put new wine into old bottles
Don't rock the boat
Don't spoil the ship for a ha'pworth of tar
Don't try to teach your Grandma to suck eggs
Don't try to walk before you can crawl
Don't upset the apple-cart
Doubt is the beginning not the end of wisdom
Early to bed and early to rise makes a man healthy wealthy and wise
Easy come, easy go
Empty vessels make the most noise
Enough is as good as a feast
Enough is enough
Every dark cloud has a silver lining
Every dog has his day
Every man has his price
Every stick has two ends
Everybody wants to go to heaven but nobody wants to die
Failing to plan is planning to fail
Faint heart never won fair lady
Faith will move mountains
Familiarity breeds contempt
Finders keepers, losers weepers
First things first
Fish and guests smell after three days
Flattery will get you nowhere
Fools rush in where angels fear to tread
Forewarned is forearmed
Fortune favours the brave
God helps those who help themselves
Good fences make good neighbours
Good talk saves the food
Good things come to those who wait
Great minds think alike
Half a loaf is better than no bread
Handsome is as handsome does
Hard work never did anyone any harm
Haste makes waste
He who hesitates is lost
He who laughs last laughs longest
He who lives by the sword shall die by the sword
He who pays the piper calls the tune
Hindsight is always twenty-twenty
History repeats itself
Home is where the heart is
If God had meant us to fly he'd have given us wings
If a job is worth doing it is worth doing well
If at first you don't succeed try, try and try again
If ifs and ands were pots and pans there'd be no work for tinkers
If life deals you lemons, make lemonade
If the mountain won't come to Mohammed, Mohammed must go to the mountain
If wishes were horses beggars would ride
If you can't be good, be careful.
If you can't beat em, join em
If you can't stand the heat get out of the kitchen
Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery
In the kingdom of the blind the one eyed man is king
In the midst of life we are in death
Into every life a little rain must fall
It goes without saying
It never rains but it pours
It takes a thief to catch a thief
It takes one to know one
It's all grist to the mill
It's an ill wind that blows no one any good
It's better to give than to receive
It's better to have loved and lost than never to have loved at all
It's better to light a candle than curse the darkness
It's better to travel hopefully than to arrive
It's never too late
It's no use locking the stable door after the horse has bolted
It's not worth crying over spilt milk
It's the early bird that gets the worm
It's the empty can that makes the most noise
It's the squeaky wheel that gets the grease
Jack of all trades, master of none
Keep your chin up
Keep your powder dry
Laugh and the world laughs with you, weep and, you weep alone
Laughter is the best medicine
Let bygones be bygones
Let not the sun go down on your wrath
Let sleeping dogs lie
Let the punishment fit the crime
Life begins at forty
Life is what you make it
Life's not all beer and skittles
Lightening never strikes twice in the same place
Like father, like son
Little pitchers have big ears
Live for today for tomorrow never comes
Look before you leap
Love is blind
Make love not war
Man does not live by bread alone
Marry in haste, repent at leisure
Mighty oaks from little acorns grow
Misery loves company
Money doesn't grow on trees
Money makes the world go round
Money talks
More haste, less speed
Music has charms to soothe the savage breast
Nature abhors a vacuum
Necessity is the mother of invention
Never judge a book by its cover
Never put off until tomorrow what you can do today
No man is an island
No one can make you feel inferior without your consent
No rest for the wicked
Nothing is certain but death and taxes
Oil and water don't mix
Old soldiers never die, they just fade away
One good turn deserves another
Only fools and horses work
Opportunity only knocks once
Out of sight, out of mind
Pearls of wisdom
People who live in glass houses shouldn't throw stones
Possession is nine tenths of the law
Power corrupts; absolute power corrupts absolutely
Practice makes perfect
Pride comes before a fall
Procrastination is the thief of time
Put your best foot forward
Red sky at night shepherds delight; red sky in the morning, shepherds warning
Revenge is a dish best served cold
Rome wasn't built in a day
Spare the rod and spoil the child
Speak softly and carry a big stick
Still waters run deep
Stupid is as stupid does
Talk is cheap
That which does not kill us makes us stronger
The Devil finds work for idle hands to do
The best defence is a good offence
The boy is father to the man
The cobbler always wears the worst shoes
The darkest hour is just before the dawn
The early bird catches the worm
The ends justify the means
The exception which proves the rule
The hand that rocks the cradle rules the world
The longest journey starts with a single step
The more things change, the more they stay the same
The pen is mightier than sword
The proof of the pudding is in the eating
The way to a man's heart is through his stomach
There are none so blind as those, that will not see
There but for the grace of God go I
There's always more fish in the sea
There's many a slip twixt cup and lip
There's more than one way to skin a cat
There's no fool like an old fool
There's no place like home
There's no smoke without fire
There's no such thing as a free lunch
There's no such thing as bad publicity
There's no time like the present
There's none so deaf as they that will not hear
There's one born every minute
Those who do not learn from history are doomed to repeat it
Those who sleep with dogs will rise with fleas
Time and tide wait for no man
Time is a great healer
To err is human, to forgive divine
To the victor go the spoils
To travel hopefully is a better thing than to arrive
Tomorrow never comes
Too many cooks spoil the broth
Truth is stranger than fiction
Two heads are better then one
Two wrongs don't make a right
Walk softly but carry a big stick
Waste not want not
When the cat's away the mice will play
Where there's a will there's a way
Worrying never did anyone any good
You can lead a horse to water, but you can't make it drink
You can't get blood out of a stone
You can't make a silk purse from a sow's ear
You can't make an omelette without breaking eggs
You can't make bricks without straw
You can't teach an old dog new tricks
You can't tell a book by looking at its cover
You catch more flies with honey than with vinegar
Youth is wasted on the young

Water: Essential for Existence
Copyright 1998 by Dan Stewart and Denise Routledge, Canada
(Explore Issue: Volume 8, Number 5)

Society is rapidly becoming more health conscious. Many people now pay more attention to what they put into their bodies: sales of vitamins, herbs and organic foods are steadily growing. Yet water, which is essential to all living beings, is often ignored or treated mainly with filtration systems. Water is the very foundation of all life on Earth. Water is the lifeblood of our planet, the life giving fluid in all organisms, plants, animals and humans. Our very existence is intimately connected with the quality of water available to us.
"Twenty five percent of the human body is solid matter and 75 percent is water states F. Batmanghelidj, MD, author of 'Your Body's Many Cries For Water'. "The brain is said to be 85 percent water." Human blood is 90% water, muscles are 75% water, the liver is 82% water and our bones are 22% water.1 Every part of the human body is dependent on water.
If our glands and organs are not nourished with good, clean water, their functions begin to deteriorate. It is vital that we should become concerned not only for the health, vitality and quality of the water we drink, but also for its original source and the treatment it receives. If water quality and vitality is so important to us, why do we continually add chemicals and toxins to it?
Modern technology is rapidly destroying water's life-giving capacities. Increased population, industrial wastes and agricultural chemicals are contaminating our water sources. Examples can be found in chemical spills, land fills, excessive herbicide and pesticide sprays, chemical dumps and nitrate fertilizer run off that affect our lakes, underground aquifers, and rivers.

Time Magazine reports "over 4000 chemicals have already been found in drinking water. All levels of government have been slow to act. Meanwhile, more and more chemicals are showing up in the water supply of America's cities and towns." Each year in the U.S., 18 billion pounds of pollutants and chemicals are released by industry into the atmosphere, soil and groundwater. Of the thousands of chemicals found in the water, the Environmental Protection Agency (EPA) sets safety levels for only 60. Even with only these 60 standards, the EPA reports almost 1/2 of all municipal water supplies in the U.S. annually violate Federal health standards. In recent years, serious violations have affected over 120 million people. Wells are not much better, with 2/3 of them in violation of at least one of the Safe Drinking Water Act standards. The sorry condition of water in the U.S. is reflected in the recent remark by President Clinton that 40% of American waterways are unfit to swim in and in fact will not support life.
Naturalist Viktor Schauberger (1885-1958) anticipated this problem in the 1940's and in fact tried to warn governments and those in power.
Schauberger is known as the father of water observation. He began his work with natural energies by observing cold, pure mountain streams. He states "As a rule, chlorination is deemed satisfactory to obtain clear, pure and germ free water."
"There is hardly a city where water is not disinfected or sterilized through the addition of chlorine, compounds of silver or irradiation with quartz lamps," Schauberger continues. "If water thus treated is drunk continually then the very same processes that we wish to achieve through water sterilization must also take place in our bodies. Frightful consequences can ensue from the constant consumption of such water. When sterilization only is taken into account, there arise the various forms of the disease we collectively call cancer.."
Richard C. Sweeting, MD expands "When [chlorine] comes in contact with organic material, whether dissolved in water or in the contents of the intestines, many diverse halgoenated compounds are formed." Dr. Joseph M. Price feels "chlorine is the greater crippler and killer of modern times. It is an insidious poison. Most medical researchers were led to believe it was safe, but we are now learning the hard way that all the time we thought we were preventing an epidemic of one disease, we were creating another." Callum Coats, author of Living Energies, states: "Present methods of water treatment kill water,...[which] ultimately destroys those organisms constantly forced to drink it. We therefore actually sterilize our blood when we drink chlorinated water, thereby readying ourselves for the onset of disease."
Callum Coats also feels strongly about fluoridation in our water, with consequences as dire for health as chlorination. Unfortunately, the use of fluoridation is almost as widespread as the use of chlorine.
Although calcium fluoride has been found in some ground water and studies have shown calcium fluoride to be beneficial in preventing tooth decay it is sodium fluoride which is added to our drinking water. Sodium fluoride is a toxic derivative created by aluminum smelting. 2 "But what to do with this growing pile of poison....it could not merely be flushed into rivers or used in agriculture because it kills livestock, wildlife, fish and crops..... How and why sodium fluoride ever found its way into toothpaste is a mystery. Perhaps some mistaken bureaucrat thought it had the same beneficial effect as calcium fluoride and required its addition to drinking water. In a recent New Jersey Department of Health study, fluoridation has been linked to a rare form of bone cancer known as osteosarcoma" states Callum Coats.
Municipalities are slowly coming to question the addition of fluoride in our water supplies. The city council of Calgary, Alberta has just (April/98) received a study by university professors who are recommending a 30% reduction in the fluoride added to the water. In many municipalities where fluoride is not added to our drinking water, the topic is regularly debated and people are routinely asked to vote on the issue. Could the pressure for fluoridation be from the lobby force of the large chemical companies?
The Canadian Health Department in a Canadian press release states that "the water purification process used in Canadian cities since the turn of the century should be improved to eliminate the growing risk of cancer linked to chloroform (Edm. Journal, May 7/92). A 1992 government report on the state of Canada's environment indicates that Canada's fresh water is under stress from coast to coast and its deterioration is a major human health concern (Edm. Journal Apr 9/92).
Despite these considerations, many people give scant attention to our water. Society expects 'clean' water to be consistently available out of our taps. Our water, 'chemicalized' with chlorine and fluoride, is accepted without a second thought as being best for us. Even our physicians will often recommend 8 glasses of water per day. Our water is thought of as safe and clean to drink.
Yet, the health and vitality of our water involves even more than removing the physical contaminants. Water itself is an information carrier and this information directly affects our health. One of the earliest pioneers in this area of research is Samuel Hahnemann (1755-1843).

Known today as the father of homeopathy, Samuel Hahnemann felt that disease was an alteration of information that occurs in the highest level. In 1796 he discovered principles of homeopathy which are now known as "law of similiars". Hahnemann believed that diluted dosages of remedies are effective as long as matched to the illness. Development and acceptance of homeopathy is based on the fact that water is a carrier of information.
Dr. Klaus Kronenberg (California State Polytechnic University) says, "Water is chemically neutral, but it is one of the best solvents known to man. It has the ability to entrap other substances. In other words, water tends to cluster around every non-water particle, forming conglomerations or complexes. Thelma MacAdam, Chair, Health Action Network Society states "water's open structure and its ability to combine with almost every thing it comes in contact with allows it to comply with other elements and dissolve them."
Wolfgang Ludwig, physicist and advisor to World Research Foundation goes into detail by saying that water possesses the faculty to store information and that has been impressed upon it previously on a given frequency level and to transfer such information to other systems. He states that contaminated water can be purified chemically and freed of bacteria, but it will still possess electromagnetic oscillations in certain wavelengths: these can be traced precisely to the contaminants. Therefore, even after purification, water contains certain signals that can be detrimental to the health. Yes, water has memory.
Grander further explains: "A water once impaired by heavy metals, nitrate, etc., remains harmful even after a thorough processing (by chemicals or filtration), because vibrations, information, that have once been stored are preserved."
The memory of water has also been researched by Professor Jacques Benveniste (French National Institute for Health and Medical Research of the University of Paris). He has conducted several experiments to confirm this. The experiments and research constituted studying the effects of repeated dilutions of substances in distilled water. Theoretical Physicist Lynn Trainer of University of Toronto carried out parallel experiments and felt that these reactions may be the result of a 'physical' memory left in the water.3
Dr. Horst Felsch, officially accredited civil engineer for technical chemistry and publicly authorized legal authority for environmental protection: "There is no doubt that a relationship between information and health exists."
"According to tests made by Engler and Kokoschinegg in 1988 water has a structural memory and a structural variability, and because of this it can store acquired information over a long period of time and hand it over to the body" continues Felsch.
There is strong support for the two concepts 'water is a carrier of information' and 'water has memory.' The third concept "erasing information' is also well documented. In order to understand erasing the information; let us first take a closer look at how we treat our water and how it is tied to the energy of water.
Hans Kronberger, author of "On The Track of Water's Secret," states: "Injuries to nature begin in small ways; for example, tap water that is supplied to consumers via conventional pipe lines. According to naturalists, water loses its original energy through friction in the pipes and straight line of transport.....it was not a coincidence that Romans built long, open air water transport systems with winding construction, using natural materials: wood and natural stone."
"In normal conditions," Grander maintains, "Water flows either on the surface of the earth or deep underground, always seeking a natural course. In our water supply system, however, the water is collected and forced through pipelines under pressure. At this stage the water suffers a serious aggression for the first time. The high pressures...are highly detrimental to the liquid. The water is then further contaminated by the addition of powerful chemicals such as chlorine. However we use it, the water eventually finds its way back to nature through the drains. We collect clean water from nature and return it soiled and sick."
"Most of the people today have lost every bit of knowledge about what really happens in nature," states Austrian inventor and naturalist Johann Grander. "That is why I wish people themselves would start to think about the processes of nature again and through this learn to respect nature again." Grander feels this knowledge has been lost "because in times of constant economic growth and constant technical progress people try to convince us that scientific research offers solutions that make observation of the laws of nature superfluous."
After decades of research Johann Grander has succeeded in imprinting natural and Universal energies back into our water. Implosion is a key point in the science of revitalizing of water, or the erasing of information. But what is implosion? Quite simply, it is the opposite of explosion. "All of our contemporary technologies and the supply of energy are based on explosion, on 'expansion' by generating heat by burning raw or refined materials," states Hans Kronberger, author, On The Track of Water's Secret. " Explosion and expansion are centrifugal forces, while implosion works inward, or centripetally. Implosion concentrates its force into the center, where it then becomes the strongest." Nature carries this system out to perfection. We can observe these processes in motions that take place in nature.
Society's current system of confining water to miles and miles of pipes is in direct contradiction to Schauberger's theories. How can the high positive energy of nature's water be maintained when water is confined to restrictive systems. Grander has studied the effects nature has on water for many years. "Water needs freedom," he states. "Living water seeks out its source of energy itself. It flows over the earth, inside the earth and makes long loops."
He claims that, "Not until we have recognized the perfect interplay and the mutual dependence of the four elements -- earth, water, air and fire...can we imagine how destructive our interference with nature is and how much it disturbs the balance and order of things."

Water is the most essential element of life. It provides all life, whether plant, animal or human, with the essential energies of life. But where does water get these energies from?
The properties of water are perpetually changing. Naturalists have found that water transports energy and information of immense proportions. In nature, bodies of water that are left undisturbed by man turn within themselves, wind, bend and bubble, froth and foam, spiral and cascade. These untouched waters have the striking ability to rejuvenate waste that is added to it, and the water is revitalized. Water absorbs energy. Water carries energy. Water emits energy.
Olaf Alexandersson, author of "Living Water," shows how Viktor Schauberger also believed this. Schauberger studied water and its curves and built log flumes to best utilize the twists of nature. Schauberger 's theories are based on the movement of water. In nature, water continually is moving: constantly swaying from side to side, bending and curving, spiraling, flowing over rocks and stones. >From these actions, a strong renewal occurs.
Johann Grander's work has evolved around three main principles: 1) water is a carrier of information, 2) water has memory and 3) negative information can be erased.
Johann Grander has developed a process which is able to renew the structure of water. His research has led him to encase an electromagnetically enhanced concentrate, which renews natures' own high energy vibrations to the structure of the water.
The Grander process changes the polarity from negative to positive during the process of dynamic implosion. Negative polarity is changed to positive and the amount of dissolved oxygen is increased. This allows harmful compounds to pass harmlessly through our bodies. The ordinary tap water transforms to resemble water found in a true mountain spring..
Dr. Horst Felsch examined the Grander water for contents such as bacteria and nitrates to guarantee the water met the stringent standards set by Tyrolean laws. Originally, Dr. Felsch could not make any sense of 'revitalized water' so he concentrated on the hygiene. He very quickly became curious. The logical question for the natural scientist was "does Grander water have a different energetic structure than normal drinking water, and if so, can it be proven. "I think I was the first one to take a serious look at the microbiology of Grander water. I carried out routine germ count tests to check the quality."
Dr. Horst Felsch states of his research into Grander's revitalized water: "it is known that liquids can be primarily activated in the way that part of the inner energy is transformed by means of refrigeration, so that a higher energy content is impressed. Like this, water in its electromagnetic structure has been successfully transformed in the way that -- both by modifying the magnetic nuclear resonance properties (modification of the spin-spin coupling constants), and by the induction and formation of the supermolecular complexes between the single water molecules -- the electromagnetic state of oscillation was modified. These electromagnetic oscillations are responsible for the formation of an electromagnetic field of defined frequency, phase and amplitude, which spreads evenly in all directions. Surprisingly enough, it turned out that, in such an electromagnetic field, larger particles and molecular groups are decomposed into smaller molecular groups, which results in a reduction of viscosity, the dissolution of harmful molecules and the like. And it is also highly surprising that the energetic state of the activated liquid is preserved, i.e., it does not ease off."
Felsch's study also included a germ count using the membrane filter method (diameter 45 millimeters). In any normal water sample, the microorganisms (bacteria) are distributed unsymmetrically and chaotically on the membrane filter. In Grander's revitalized water, the microorganisms depart from their chance distribution and line up symmetrically. (See inset).
Grander says that the process of re-energizing water is simply following the laws of nature. He says: "The fact that to so many people it seems to be a secret indicates how far science has already digressed from nature." Science, however, completely overlooks the fact that water -- as a life carrier -- is itself alive and needs to be kept in this condition if it is to fulfill its naturally ordained function.
The origin of life is water. Water is life. Immediate attention is required to rectify the problems we have created through carelessness, pollution and modernization techniques. Revitalizing water is the solution to these concerns. Through revitalization our water returns to the state that nature intended: clean, clear and complete with the vital energies created by Mother Nature. Our very existence depends on water..

Letter from a Cousin


I got your e-mail add in your website (Mayantocquenians International), I’m happy for being you now/your success. Tagal n panahon n rin n d tayo ngkita as well as your family, Gracelyn and your kids. Palipat-lipat ako d2 s middle east, I started working before in Abu Dhabi (2 years), then Riyadh Saudi Arabia (10 Years) now currently I’m here in Qatar(almost 7 months p lng), 4 years n akong d umuwi s Pinas from Riyadh dumiretso n ko d2 s Doha. More news n lng from me nxt tym. Hope to hear from u. You can reply here in my company e-mail or just send to freddie.velicaria@gmail.com.

Regards to your family. God bless.

In Prayer,

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Qatar Real Estate Investment Company
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Velicaria-Pablo Family


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