Welcome to VELICARIA blog spot. This is a friendly site. All materials that will be posted are Filipino value-oriented that for sure will please all nationalities of the world. For when we say Filipino Values... these mean: pure, honest and trustworthy.

VELICARIA is named through ANTHONY POLLANTE VELICARIA together with his family. The man originated from far-faraway barangay of Capulaan, in the town of Balungao, in the Province of Pangasinan, in the Republic of the Philippines where he was born on August 21, 1966. But since 1986, the man left his hometown to live with her wife the former Miss Gracelyn Asuncion Pablo of Poblacion Sur, Mayantoc, Tarlac, Philippines. Mrs Velicaria is an Elementary School Teacher of Mayantoc Central Elementary School of Poblacion Norte, Mayantoc, Tarlac, philippines. The couple are living with their three daughters: 1. Gracel Antonette, a BSN-RN graduated from Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines. Aizan is a board passer and just taken her oath last March 18, 2008. Aizan was born on July 20, 1986. 2. Lovely Grace,
graduated from Virgen Milagrosa University Foundation (VMUF) in San Carlos City, Pangasinan, Philippines. Love is a board passer and just taken her oath last April, 2009. Love was born on February 14, 1988. 3. Grace IV, a Freshmen taking up Doctor of Veterinary Medicine at Tarlac College of Agriculture,Camiling, Tarlac, Philippines. 4. Sheikah Gracel Nicole Velicaria is the newest member of the family, she just celebrated her 1st birthday on November 30, 2009 and then welcoming her to the Christian World as well.

The VELICARIA origin was in Pangasinan, Philippines.

VELICARIA was created not only to re-group the VELICARIA's all over the world (WorldWideWeb) through Internet but to win more e-friends and e-relatives for VELICARIA clan members even when totally re-grouped are not numerous like the Garcia's and Dela Cruz'.

So timely that this Good Friday, the VELICARIA blog spot is realized. Thanks to www.google.com/adsense; www.blogger.com; and to Mel & Joey of GMA 7 who featured blogging in their Sunday show.

Then, the blog will see to it that this time being online in the Internet will be worthy. Emailing, chatting, chikka messaging and surfing the net will now be minimized to give way the good blogs to be published beneficial to the general viewer.

That VELICARIA will be as responsible as its creator who is currently an Elementary School Principal of San Jose Elementary School of San Jose, Mayantoc, Tarlac, Philippines and Maniniog Primary School of Maniniog, Mayantoc, Tarlac,Philippines. Also the author is at present an Information and Communication Technology (ICT)consultant of Mayantoc District, in the Division of Tarlac Province, in Region III - Central Luzon, in the Department of Education, Philippines and the President of the Division ICT Teachers' Association (DICTTA)-Elementary Level and the Over-all DICTTA Vice President with the High School and Private Levels.

This site was created also to bridge the distance of all town mates both Balungao and Mayantoc, Pablo - Velicaria and other families, relatives and friends to all part of the World. This is linked to the Mayantoc Homepages where important updated source of information about our hometown and people.

Every visitor is expected to be ambassador of peace and love regardless of race, nationality and religion.

This blog site will soon be comprises of so many pages internal and external links incorporated with maps and lots of photos. It will also contain a Guestbook for regular visitors.

Any offensive comment in the Guestbook shall be edited or removed. This website is zero tolerance for any form of hatred.

The VELICARIA blog reserves the right to all publication.

This site intention is to share good news, sow love, compassion, care and connection to the whole world.

The site will give everyone an opportunity to share and lend a hand... because after all, we share the same air, water, land and other resources from GOd. We will make this Earth a better place for everybody to live like brothers and sisters especially in Christ.

We must learn to love each others. For loving each other is the best and it is the most important thing to do as the Holy Bible says.

Groups or individuals can visit the site. Visitors can even post their good ideas directly to the Guest Book or through my e-mail address: antoneveli@yahoo.com or aizshea@yahoo.com or antoneveli@gmail.com or visit http://velicaria.blogspot.com as long as it is beneficial to all the readers. Photographs and videos will also be accepted as long as these are not pornographic. Let us maintain this spot as an educational venue for the pupils, students, professionals, ordinary people, and to all of us. God bless us all!

Mrs Velicaria Video Lesson

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VELICARIA SLIDESHOW-capulaan,balungao, pangasinan

courtesy of:
clan of Candido V. Velicaria of BALUNGAO PANGASINAN

Wednesday, December 24, 2008



Vote for Sheikah Gracel Nicole. Go to


Thank you & God bless you!


Sheikah Gracel Nicole (SGN)

Yan si Sheikah

Nicole ang Bida

My Beautiful Apo


Sheikah Gracel Nicole

Sheikah Gracel Nicole

Merry Christmas!!!

Tuesday, July 29, 2008

SJES Earthquake Drill

Department of Education

Region III – Central Luzon

Schools Division of Tarlac Province

District of Mayantoc


Mayantoc, Tarlac


Theme: "Pag Alerto, Malayo sa Peligro."

July 23, 2008


We can't avoid natural disaster to occur but we can guard ourselves unhurt if we are ready. The San Jose Elementary School is alarmed by the tragedies that had happened to different places devastated by natural calamities and also frightened with the spreading news in text and even in internet messages and blogs… thus implementing the Observance of the National Disaster Consciousness Month: Conduct of Earthquake Drill. This is the same as the Disaster Preparedness Campaign: Earthquake Drill simultaneously in schools.

San Jose Elementary Schools played a part in the simultaneous earthquake drill with the PTCA, parents, Barangay Officials, teachers and pupils in attendance on July 23, 2008.

San Jose Elementary School is very much aware of the significance of the program prioritizing the welfare of the pupils and teachers. The Principal instructed the teachers and pupils to pray that no horrible earthquake will harm the Philippines.


Every morning of July before the conduct of the earthquake drill after the flag ceremony, pupils and teachers and even parents in attendance were instructed what to do in case of a disaster like an earthquake.

On July 23, just after the flag ceremony an awful sound blurted as a signal that the earth is shaking stronger and stronger. There is an earthquake shouted by the Principal. Everybody sat down and docked themselves in the ground.

After a while when the sound is ended, the pupils and parents entered the Science Room where the Culminating Program of the activity will happen. (Please see the attached program.)

When Mr. Velicaria was given his part in the program, he instructed a pupil to beat the flagpole with a stone hard and strong and the Principal announces that an after shock is taking place.

Again, another drill was done successfully.

The activity was dramatically done through our sound system, modern cell phones and digital camera.

The PTCA President gave a wonderful message of love in times of crises.

The Barangay Captain closed the program with shared inspirations to all present.

In summary, drills were successful; nobody hurts because the routines were systematic and everybody was cooperative during the activity.




Theme: "Pag Alerto, Malayo sa Peligro."

July 23, 2008


Divine Help - - - - - Miss Norma G. Bautista

Grade V Adviser

Respect to Country - - - - Mrs. Vivian T. Auson

Grade VI Teacher

Initial Talk on Disaster Consciousness - Mr. Anthony P. Velicaria


Love Message in Time of Crisis - - Mrs. Deodista C. Pastor

PTCA President

Listen to the Voice of the Barangay - Mr. Cesar C. Transfiguracion Barangay Chairman

Master of Ceremony

Anita O. Nicolas

Grade III Adviser

Prepared by:



Thursday, July 17, 2008

Mula sa Puso Raffle Draw

Maniniog Primary School

Raffle Draw
Consolation Prizes
Drawing the 1st winner
A parent won an electric iron.
Reading the name of the next winner.

Thursday, June 26, 2008

The Internet & ICT: Cutting CO2 Emissions

A couple of studies -- issued years apart -- project that the Internet and information and communication technology (ICT) can have a bigger impact in reducing CO2 than either carbon taxes or cap-and-trade systems. The surprising element in each study is the degree to which the Internet and ICT might contribute to the reduction of greenhouse gases.

Friday, June 20, 2008

Take a Look

Dear Friends and family members, > I just got this email from a very reliable source. Please read >on. > I checked with Norton Anti-Virus, and they are gearing up for >this virus! > > I also personally checked snopes.com <http://snopes.com/> , >this morning, and it is for real!! > > Get this E-mail message sent around to your contacts ASAP. > > PLEASE FORWARD THIS WARNING AMONG FRIENDS, FAMILY AND CONTACTS! > You should be alert during the next several weeks. Do not open >any message with an attachment entitled 'POSTCARD,' regardless of who >sent it to you. > > It is a virus which opens A POSTCARD IMAGE, which 'burns' the >whole hard disc (C drive) of your computer. This virus will be received >from someone who has your e-mail address in his/her contact list. This >is the reason why you need to send this e-mail to all you r contacts. It >is better to receive this message 25 times than to receive the virus and >open it. > > If you receive a mail called ' POSTCARD,' even though sent to >you by a friend, do not open it.! This includes all cards, too. Shut >down your computer immediately. > > This is the worst virus announced by CNN. It has been classified >by Microsoft as the most destructive virus ever. > > This virus was discovered by McAfee yesterday, and there is no >repair yet for this kind of virus. This virus simply destroys the Zero >Sector of the Hard Disc, where your vital information is kept. > > COPY THIS E-MAIL, AND SEND IT TO YOUR FRIENDS. > REMEMBER: IF YOU SEND IT TO THEM, YOU WILL BENEFIT > ALL OF US.

Sunday, June 01, 2008

22nd AnniversaryMomPapz

zwani.com myspace graphic comments
JUNE 02, 2008
from: Aizan, Love, Ace and Tiger

Saturday, April 26, 2008

The Story of Love, Wealth and Success

A woman came out of her house and saw 3 old men with long white beards sitting in her front yard. She did not recognize them. She said "I don't think I know you, but you must be hungry. Please come in and have something to eat."

"Is the man of the house home?", they asked.

"No", she replied. "He's out."

"Then we cannot come in", they replied.

In the evening when her husband came home, she told him what had happened.

"Go tell them I am home and invite them in!"

The woman went out and invited the men in.

"We do not go into a House together," they replied.

"Why is that?" she asked.

One of the old men explained: "His name is Wealth," he said pointing to one of his friends, and said pointing to another one, "He is Success, and I am Love." Then he added, "Now go in and discuss with your husband which one of us you want in your home."

The woman went in and told her husband what was said. Her husband was overjoyed. "How nice!!", he said. "Since that is the case, let us invite Wealth. Let him come and fill our home with wealth!"

His wife disagreed. "My dear, why don't we invite Success?" Their daughter-in-law was listening from the other corner of the house. She jumped in with her own suggestion: "Would it not be better to invite Love? Our home will then be filled with love!"

"Let us heed our daughter-in-law's advice," said the husband to his wife.

"Go out and invite Love to be our guest."

The woman went out and asked the 3 old men, "Which one of you is Love? Please come in and be our guest."

Love got up and started walking toward the house. The other 2 also got up and followed him. Surprised, the lady asked Wealth and Success: "I only invited Love, Why are you coming in?"

The old men replied together: "If you had invited Wealth or Success, the other two of us would've stayed out, but since you invited Love, wherever He goes, we go with him. Wherever there is Love, there is also Wealth and Success!!!!!!"....

Thursday, April 24, 2008

Brigada Eskwela

The National Schools Maintenance Week (NSMW) dubbed as "Brigada Eskwela" began in May 2003 and is observed every May of each year up to 2007; but this 2008, it will be on June 2 - 7 according to a DepED Memo for some valid reasons and it will be back as scheduled in May 2009.

NSMW capitalizing on the spirit of bayanihan among Filipinos, it encourages parents, barangay residents, local businessman, youth and the community to volunteer resources (financial, material, labor) and work collectively for the maintenance and repair of schools while it is vacation time to prepare the schools for the opening of classes in June.

All schools in Mayantoc District renewed their Statement of Interest for the NSMW 2008.

Wednesday, April 23, 2008

Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP)

The Department of Education (DepED)launched the Every Child a Reader Program (ECARP) to develop pupils' reading and communication skills by Grade III.It is desinged to improve the delivery of instruction of reading teachers in Grades I to III.

Self-learning modules were developed for Grades I to III in English and Filipino. An eight-week curriculum provides Grade I pupils adequate home-to-school transition and readiness experiences. The modules include topics such as Reading Readiness, Beginning Reading, Developmental Reading, Reading Remediation, Assessment, and Selecting Developmentally Appropriate Reading Materials.

Friday, April 18, 2008


April 19



*Daddy of World Citi Colleges (WCC) &

World Citi Medical Center (WCMC)


Si DADDY kasama si Anthony.

Si DADDY busy sa work.

Si DADDY with Gracel Antonnette

Ang Guwapong DADDY at si Anthony.

Pose namang iba. Si Mr. Velicaria talaga walang kupas.

PLUS ... PLUS ... PLUS...




From Left to Right: Lovely Grace, Mdm Cynthia, Mdm Marivi & Gracel Antonette

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Neddle stick injuries (RN)

Needle Stick Injuries

From: estherdee31, 2 months ago

OSH for Med staff

SlideShare Link


Nclex Rn Test Study Guide

From: jben501, 3 months ago

Nclex Rn Test Study Guide

SlideShare Link

Thursday, April 10, 2008

World War II Veteran Biography

Read this doc on Scribd: biography of a ww ii veteran

World War II Veteran

Read this doc on Scribd: biography of a ww ii veteran 2

NLE passers UVWXYZ

Read this doc on Scribd: NLE-UVWXYZ

Tuesday, April 08, 2008

Proud Me

When my eldest daughter Gracel Antonette graduated in BSN, I was very happy. I am more happier when she passed the NLE. She is now a BSN-RN.

Now that my second daughter Lovely Grace graduated in BSN, my happiness doubled. I hope she'll pass her NLE,too.

My youngest daughter Grace IV graduated in HS also. I am so proud of her. She'll go to college next schoolyear. I hope she'll graduate her chosen course, too. Then she'll pass licensure exam, as well. I am looking forward on the day my happiness will be tripled.

Soon, I will be the proudest father in the WEB!

Monday, April 07, 2008


Happy Graduation to my daughter Lovely Grace on April 8, 2008.

Velicaria-Pablo Family


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Definition: The seizure and holding of property as security for payment of a debt or satisfaction of a claim.
Synonyms: distress

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A man dies still if he has done nothing, as one who has done much.
(900 BC-800 BC)

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Nurses on the go!